Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read this. A little about me....
My name is Chris Donaldson and I was on the board for ERAS almost 20 years ago before moving to SK. I would like to see the reptile hobby grow in Saskatchewan and have reptile expos again.
I have been in this hobby for 36 years. I started with snakes and then over the last 15 years added lizards and tortoises. I've always had a spot in my heart for reptiles and have passed that on to 6 of my kids, all who have a collection of their own. I love to share my knowledge and experiences with anyone who asks. I also strive to educate as many people as I can on the enjoyment of keeping reptiles as well as the benefits of reptiles in the wild. For the last 12 years my partner, kids and I have a hands on reptile education display, where we showcase about 20-30 reptiles, at our local annual Agricultural Fair. Every year, over a weekend, we 'convert' scared or hesitant people, who won't go near the reptiles, into them being very interested and eager to touch and hold the reptiles.
I look forward to working together to grow this wonderful hobby.
Cornsnakes, milksnakes, kingsnakes, pinesnakes, ratsnakes, house snakes, ball pythons, sand boas, tegus, African fattails, ackie monitors, Herrmann Tortoises, hermit crabs and Feeder mice, rats, rabbits, chicks and quail