Hi. I’m Rhonda, owner of The Crested Castle. I have been keeping and breeding a variety of animals since 2012. I enjoy, sewing, growing plants, and raising my animals. Crested geckos are my favorite reptiles, although nothing beats a baby blue tongue skink.
I have been serving as the Northern Representative through the last term, and would bring decades of experience to the Communications Director position. I have been attending Reptile Expos throughout AB, SK, and MB since 2014, networking with other vendors, reptile societies, and educating customers. I have a good relationship with our SK Fish and Wildlife office, and have talked regularly with CanHerp over the years. Outside of the reptile world, I am a trained educator with experience in communicating policy from government groups to the public. For the past 7 years my job has been teaching and training virtually, so I am comfortable in front of a camera. Each of these experiences and all of this knowledge are directly transferable to the role of Communications Director where I would continue to build relationships with other societies and organizations, bring accurate and concise information to you, and continue to promote the Society.
Blue Tongue Skinks Uromastyx geri Crested Geckos Registered Stickpot Turtles