I have more than 30 years of experience in keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians (with a couple hiatus years). I am mainly a snake person, but regard every species in our hobby as equal (including insects/arachnids). I have been sitting on multiple boards for the last 20+ years, from student councils to research consortiums, and I have held all positions from regular board member to chair. I am very familiar with board workings and rules and I have helped create/start clubs and societies in the past. I have several years of experience dealing with governments (provincial and local) and communities, especially in addressing controversial issues (I work in the uranium/nuclear industry). I have lived in 3 provinces and different municipalities that all had different (and sometimes weird) laws and bylaws regulating our hobby. My work requires me to collaborate with several entities/departments, so team work and collaboration are part of my nature.
Vision for the Society: I see the Saskatchewan Herpetological Society as having 3 main roles: 1) a place for people with the same passion and interest to meet other people and share experience, knowledge and information; 2) educating the public, the governments and its own members on reptiles, amphibians and arachnids and their proper care; and 3) looking out for the rights or reptile, amphibians and insects/arachnid keepers in Saskatchewan by working with provincial and local governments.